The Batman: A Retrospective

One of the things that surprised me the most about watching The Batman was how effortlessly Matt Reeves was able to sell Selina Kyle and Edward Nashton as foils to Bruce Wayne and each other, without losing anything fundamental about their characters. For a long time now, Batman stories have struggled to construct meaningful foils and parallels for the titular Caped Crusader. Bruce is a character of extremes, and many of his most iconic relationships exist by pairing him with an equally extreme character on the opposite end of the spectrum. His non-nonsense, brooding attitude juxtaposes with Selina’s playfulness in most stories; his dark justice contrasts Joker’s colorful anarchy; and his grounded detective work stands out with the rest of the Justice League’s larger-than-life adventures. The few times DC has tried to make meaningful foils to Bruce Wayne, they’re either blatant copycats defined only in relation to Bruce who cannot exist as characters on their own (Prometheus, Owlm...